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Custom Clock Style
Custom Branding Image
Custom Genuine Badge
Custom Wallpaper
Custom Sounds
Custom Rainmeter Skin
Custom AIMP3 Skin
And lots and lost of more goodies!
First of all i wanna give a big thanks out to everyone that have helped me with this theme pack, man you guys have been real awsome, this theme would never have seen the light of day if it were not for you guy's, so thank you so so much! (The reason i do not type any names, is because i can't remember them all, and don't want anyone to feel left out)
This theme actually started of as a pimped out Alienware 2.0 theme for myself really, but after i got some many positive comments and stuff after a screenie i posted of it, i decided to make another Theme Pack, And I have really been working hard on this pack, and i believe it is the best one i have done so far. This theme pack come in 3 colors, BLUE, GREEN, RED, and it might come some more colors in the future. This theme has a everyday style to it, witch meens that it will display properly in every application or program out there, and has a style that is stylish but easy on the eyes, wen working on your computer.
This theme is packed with extras like: Rainmeter skin, Aimp Skin, RocketDock Skin, Custom Branding, and Genuine Badges, Custom Clock Style, and Custom Splash Screens for Adobe Programs.