Friday, 22 April 2016 15:05

Silver Spirit

Written by Designfjotten
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Silver Spirit Windows 7 Theme!

Animated cursors
Animated Startbutton
Silver Spirit Sounds
Animated Scrollbars
Wallpaper included

And lots and lots of more goodies

Thanks to!

And a special thanks go out too all the peeps that helped me out with different things and stuff so i could get this one done.

How too add the theme

Have you patched you system for allowing custom themes? if not you will have to do that.
I would use Universal Theme Patcher, it works great and are free too use, you can get it here:
Note: If you are running a 64-bit OS you have to patch 5 files in total, run both 32-bit and 64-bit paches.
This theme requires you to have Theme Resource Changer installed and running.
Read more about TRC here: changer
Too add the theme, unzip the pack, and add the Theme folder and Windows Theme file (theme-name.msstyle) to: C:\Windows \Resources\Themes

Now you can go to your desktop, right-click and choose Personalize, and you will find it with the other themes you have installed.
Read 3231 times Last modified on Friday, 22 April 2016 13:06
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